Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

My mom is pretty awesome. And this photo proves it. 
First, she has fantastic taste. Those sunglasses are still in style. 
Second, she bought me awesome hats. 
Third, she is still happy to hang out with me every chance she gets. 
I love my mom. 
She makes me a better person and a better mom. 
She is one of my very best friends and I talk to her every day. 
By far, she is the most thoughtful person I know and I am grateful 
for all the things I learned from her. 
Like how important thank-you notes are. 
And to take lots of pictures. 
And how to make any space beautiful on a budget of $0.
Black is always slimming and if black isn't an option, wear teal. 
Thanks for being the best. Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Right back at you! You just happen to be pretty awesome yourself...I am very proud of you and I LOVE YOU! Happy 1st Mommy's day!!


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