Monday, October 15, 2012


I don't know about you, but when I hear, "Hey do you want go to a pre-season Jazz game and sit in literally the highest seats in the arena?" I am like, "Fetch Yes!"
So that is exactly what we did.
We bundled up, drove to the big city, and trekked a long rainy walk to Energy Solutions Arena.
Nugget was pissed most of the game, but I snatched a precious pic of him sleeping. 

These last two pics are priceless. We couldn't get Liam to look away from this fountain for a second. You notice his intense focus in the final pic?
You may also notice that I did not take one single picture of the game. I guess I just enjoyed the company and the Seattle-like rain.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I had a good comment and it disappeared...
    Now I'm mad. Those two are good company to keep and just remember ths t of you get scared, wander on over. I'll make you a cup of tea.


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