Friday, June 14, 2013

Four on Friday...going all out for this one!

AND NOW!...IT'S TIME!...for a mega edition of 4 on Friday! Okay so it may not be a big enough deal for capitalization and exclamation points, but it is exciting enough for you to read along and click on some of my favorite links for the week! We can at least agree on that, can't we?

I have had some interesting stuff going on in the world of Instagram...If you haven't read this post, you should know that I am guest Intagram-ing for The Neighborhood! You can follow them along @letsneighbor! The sick "environment" and "baby moccs" shots above are from @letsneighbor. And now lets talk about naked ladies and Liam wearing women's clothing. "Are you redecorating again Alix??" You may ask. And the answer is, "Yes, my poor mantel is ever changing!" And I don't think my mantel has ever felt for sexy ;). Oh and yes, that is Liam wearing a sun hat at the mall. He put it on himself and walked around the store bumping into things...but, he did look fab-u-lous! If we aint Insta friends, we should be! Follow me along @aruffledlife. There's more naked ladies where that came from ;)

Time for my top 4 pins from the week! Woot Woot! Oh Pinterest, you sneaky devil you, stealing all my free time! Because I blog and DIY, I like to consider my time on Pinterest as "research". Makes sense, right? I feel like we should be Pinterest friends too, no? You can check me out (wink wink) HERE, and I'll keep doing the "research" know, keeping it fresh.

4 DIY links: 

Marshmallow. Numbers. Need I say any more?

 a DIY TEEPEE fit for a princess (or prince!)

and some swoon-worthy cement and metallic planter boxes!

4 laugh-your-tushy-off links: 

annnnddd a Deer Dance Off...because why not?!


  1. Ha! I knew you couldn't leave that mantle naked! And That hat is Liam! Hope you got it for him! Love you!

    1. I know it! My mantel will always be changing. Sometimes I remind myself of Jodi! And I totally bought that hat. How could I not?


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